The feeling of this song and this music video is very ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]. In this composition, two principles [ˈprɪnsəplz] seem to be fighting with each other. The lulling melody, the calm rhythm seem to represent a body shackled [ʃækld] by sleep, while the dance, full of passion and some kind of suffocating nervousness [ˈnɜːvəsnɪs], is a soul rushing to freedom, into the world of dreams and limitless possibilities. Personally, for me, the rhythm creates a feeling of the heart stopping from time to time. I think that's exactly what those who worked on this song tried to achieve - as if your consciousness [ˈkɒnʃəsnɪs] is balancing on the edge [eʤ] of sleep and reality. This is the  guy`s debut [ˈdeɪbuː] song, and it very accurately and exquisitely [ˈekskwɪzɪtlɪ] conveys [kənˈveɪz] the general concept [ˈkɒnsept] of their creativity [kriːeɪˈtɪvɪtɪ]. I think this song deserves attention and our love. it's really special for me.